Goodbye 2003

Well, we are all set up over here. All ready to party ourselves into the new year, with a couple of good friends from my youth choir Zajebo. I think we bought way to much food and drinks, but we'll manage. Of course, I made two plates full of Oliebollen.
For me, 2003 was a pretty good year. I finally started doing my Masters' project (which is nearly finished), got my own apartment together with my girlfriend, and even became godfather of Maarten, my nephew.
On the Jabber front, I didn't do nearly as much as I had wanted to,
but I got interviewed
stpeter for the Jabber Software Foundation website, got
a lot of new Mimír users,
and a lot more Jabber
World Map inhabitants.
The coming year will be a good year, too. In february I will (finally) finish my Masters' and start working as a scientific programmer at TU/e, my own university, but in another faculty: Mechanical Engineering. It is something very different than I had imagined, but should prove very interesting.
Also, for those of you who didn't know yet: I am getting married next year. On Friday 13 August 2004 (yes, friday the 13th), my girlfriend Irma and I will be together for 10 years already, and thought that would be the best date to reaffirm our relationship and become a married couple. Let me tell you: it will be a great day with a good party!
Well, I wish you the best for 2004. Until then!