XTech 2007 loves Jabber
As my employment with the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven is coming to a natural end on 1 March, and I was not sure where I would be working in May, I did not answer the call for participation for XTech 2007. Turns out there are at least three Jabber related talks in the schedule that was made available just now!
Blaine Cook and Kellan Elliot-McCrea will have a talk titled
Social Software for Robots
promoting the use of
XMPP to let chat bots be an avatar for web applications.
Massimiliano Mirra will talk about Real-time
user-to-user web with Mozilla and XMPP
, explaining
how browser based applications can be spiced up with real-time
bidirectional structured communication by using XMPP to communicate
with the application's backend.
And finally, Jyri Engeström will talk about Jaiku
— rich presence
. I have been visiting Jaiku HQ last month and they have
a very nice application going on there. The summary does not tell, but
Jaiku uses XMPP, as Mika Raento will explain
at FOSDEM this
All in on very exciting stuff, and there's a lot of other interesting talks as well, so may need to consider going to Paris this spring.